Well he now has that hole in the head !

Finally was allowed in to see Richard at 7.15 this evening. He was in the recovery suite where he will stay overnight. He looked a little battered and bruised, swollen lip etc but he still seems the same Richard. Same sense of humour, good memory of this morning and yesterday, still able to speak English and also remembered who I am which I was very pleased about!

On the downside he does have a lot of pain. It wasn’t too bad at first but then it got a lot worse whilst I was there. They changed his painkillers a couple of times and by the time I got thrown out at 8.30 pm it was down to a level he could cope with though he seemed a bit stoned.

Back to see him at 9am and hopefully he will be up on the ward later tomorrow.

Just to as all the staff seem lovely and very helpful.

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