Purple Day

Please excuse the untidy, unshaven look, but we’ve just moved house and we’re spending the weekend putting together furniture and unpacking boxes.

Here’s me in my purple t-shirt celebrating Purple Day! Here’s a post from the Epilepsy Society explaining what it’s all about.

PS I can’t leave this without mentioning my brother, who always manages to find me the most amazing t-shirts for birthday and xmas. Cheers Bruv! 😀

Er, what are you doing down there?

Or “How I was found lying on the bathroom floor with a half-washed dog sitting on me”

I generally have around 3 partial seizures a month. I don’t lose consciousness, they pass in a minute or two and you probably wouldn’t notice. But last night I had one of the more noticeable ones (I’m fine now!), and looking back it’s quite amusing. 

I was bathing the dog – that’s not a euphemism, I really was bathing the dog. I started to feel a bit funny, I was thinking that maybe a fit was coming, and that maybe I should shout to Lucinda. 

Then nothing…

I came round aware of Lucinda asking me why I was lying on the floor. I didn’t understand the question, I wanted to say “Well I just wanted to lie down”. It took me a couple of minutes to work out what was going on, I thought my memory of the leadup to the seizure was hours earlier. 

To a fly on the wall it would have looked bizarre, and looking back we are both laughing. Lucinda hadn’t heard any movement from the bathroom for a while so she came to check on me. She came in to find me half-sitting, half-lying on the floor, with a wet, half-washed dog sitting on me!

I definitely lost consciousness, but we don’t think I convulsed (much). I got away with some pain in one calf muscle and a horrendous headache, which is nothing compared to some of the collateral damage I have inflicted on myself in the past. I was also OK to go to work today, often after a full on seizure I need to sleep for the next 24 hours.

Oh, and yes, after making sure I was safely in bed, Lucinda rinsed off Scamp, finally finishing off the job I started!